To successfully integrate individuals with a criminal record into the workforce through life stabilization, professional development, and employment training.
OUR Mission
OUR vision
Eliminating systemic barriers in the criminal justice system by creating a trauma-informed, holistically supported pathway to reintegration.
myRESET is reimagining the criminal justice system through an innovative and accessible approach to corrections. Our program, the myRESET Journey, was informed by an award-winning research report that was written by the CEO and anchored in the COO’s lived experience navigating the justice system. Grounded in skills-focused education and life stabilization, our program will empower justice-impacted individuals to pursue and thrive in meaningful careers. To ensure successful completion, the program features culturally sensitive wraparound supports, including peer mentorship and mental health services, to support participants as they navigate the complex healing and redemption process. By ensuring graduates successfully reintegrate into the workforce, myRESET will contribute to cultivating safer, more prosperous communities.